One of the Most Memorable Encounters with “Double Stuf” – 09

Photo from August 14th, 2015

Still dwelling on the loss of this beautiful whale, J34 “Double Stuf”. RIP buddy. He was such a charismatic whale to spend time with. You could find him, most of the time, traveling close to his little brother J38 “Cookie” and, of course, his mom J22 “Oreo”. One of the most memorable encounters I had with him was way back in 2009. He was pursuing a salmon in Haro Strait and the salmon decided to try and hide under our boat! J34 came right up beside the boat and was just waiting for the fish to make his move. The water was incredibly clear that day and you could see every inch of him. Most of the time, you don’t get the opportunity to see them underwater and if you do, it’s very brief as they swim by so that was a really special moment for me. Almost like hitting the pause button on life and getting to stare and eye to eye with such a beautiful animal.



One response to “One of the Most Memorable Encounters with “Double Stuf” – 09”

  1. Alison J Engelland Avatar
    Alison J Engelland

    What happened to double stuff?

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