As usual I will let Linda tell the story:
Every time I think it is my last whale watching trip of the year, another opportunity arises! We headed north out of the inlet ( been going south for the past few weeks). Northern Gannetts kept us entertained as we sailed past Long Branch. Off of Sea Bright we saw our first humpback whale. It was a smaller spout and did not interact with us very much.
Meanwhile, there was another whale more towards the shore which we then followed. Way more interactive and got some beautiful fluke pictures.
There was another whale that we went to see but it kept going further east and away from us. Left us with some high lifting of its tail. How many whales did we see? I am not sure! Maybe 2 or 3 or 4!
(We actively saw 3 there was a 4th in the distance)
As we headed home, we were treated to an incredible sunset and a sliver of the crescent moon. The shore lit up with lights as it grew darker.
It was a magical day with a good size crowd for whale watching. Saw several people that I had meet on previous trips. I think we were all thinking that this might be the last trip of the year. If it was, we had a wonderful trip filled with memories!
We saw at least 3 humpback whales along with Northern gannets, a spectacular sunset and crescent moon. Goodnight whales, good night sun, good night moon! until next time……
-Bill and Linda/Jersey Shore Whale Watch
This post was adapted from a blog, read the original here.
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