November Days in Norway – 11/23

Every day is different.

It is so true here in North of Norway, especially about wildlife.

This post will covers November 5th and 6th 2023.

On the 5th, we had high activity near Skjervøy. We have seen orcas and humpback whales feeding nearby almost during our entire trip.

The weather was choppy and windy, with a beautiful sunlit landscape. We were limited in possibilities to go for a search but luckily did not have to go far. There is a herring volume entering the Kveanangen area that keeps all the orcas, humpback whales, and fin whales around.

The 6th was the exact opposite. The sea was calm. However, the weather was overcast.

The commercial herring fishing vessels still operate at the outer parts of the fjord, so we decided to take a trip further away from the crowd today.

We saw a group of fin whales on the way out, 6-7 individuals, and met a pod of orcas further north.

They were close to the fishing fleet, but they were not feeding while we were with them. They were slowly cruising around and having a rest.

Every day is different out here; it all depends on the weather and, of course, the animals, but all days are equally impressive.

This landscape, together with these amazing animals, has so many faces and holds possibilities for lifetime memories.




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