Minke Whale in Gange’s Harbour! – 15/10/02

There was about five Bigg’s (Transients) Killer Whales that had cornered a Minke whale onto the rock jetty at Ganges Harbour on Saltspring. Beautiful whale, breathing heavily. It was so shallow when the tide went out that the bulls couldn’t get in to reach the Minke. It was such a sight to see on the island, they closed the elementary school, the high school and the post office so adults and children could all come down to watch this event. There was over 300 people there watching this long and painful moment. One girl wanted to get in and try and save the whale. When the tide came back in the smaller transients swished the water with their tails, the Minke was freed off the jetty and swam, not very far, then pulled under. The Minke was not seen after that and it was assumed the Transients had killed it, working together in a “tag team killing”


More information on this story and T12A, one of the bulls in this event, can be found here


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