Killer Whales of Bremer Canyon – 8/2/18

The Southern Ocean was sparkling blue today as we made our way into the beautiful morning and sighted a cloud of Flesh Footed Shearwater focusing their attention on something at the surface. We waited and carefully scanned the area for any signs of activity before a mighty “whoosh” exhalation from an Orca just meters away signaled we had arrived at the morning breakfast table! Moments later the rest of the pod surfaced and we could see some very happy and full Orca who had just enjoyed their morning feed.

Such an early sighting allowed the perfect opportunity to spend the rest of our day following and interacting with a number of different Orca, many we recognized and a few others who were a little bit unfamiliar will now be studied by the team at ProjectOrca.

Young and healthy looking calves along with a few big males filled our afternoon with close passes as their natural curiosity caused them to come in for a closer look.

The Shearwater and Albatross seemed to have a successful day too with many scrambles at amongst each other as the leftover scraps from the Orca meals found their way to the surface.

-Whale Watch Western Australia

This post was adapted from a blog, read the original here


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