Kayaking with River Dolphins! – 11/10

Back in 2010 I was on the high school senior trip; we went to the Amazon River in Brazil and one day we had the opportunity to go kayaking. As much as you would think the Amazon has many animals out all the time it’s not true, all I had really seen so far was bugs. The water is very murky, and you can’t see much.

After about half an hour of kayaking, the first thing I noticed was the sounds of the breathing, the puffing and I was like woah what is that?! It was close, very very close and the guide was like Oh that is probably some Pink Dolphins swimming around. I turned to my right and I could see a couple of dolphins just coming up and breathing very close to my kyack and I was schocked because I knew they were pink but I wasn’t expecting them to be so bright and vivid and pretty!

They swam with us quietly for a couple of miles and then they just disappeared underwater like nothing at happened. I remember, when this happened it was also at sunset, so it was definitely one of the most precious and vivid memories I have.

This post was adapted from a voice recording in the nineteenth episode of the Whale Tales Podcast, listen here 


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