Time flies, and one month of our summer whale watching has already passed
It was a fantastic month filled with adventures.
We have seen orcas, pilot whales, sperm whales, eagles, harbour seals and, of course, puffins.

Look at the photos; you will notice a teeny, tiny newborn pilot whale baby with its mother. (The image is cropped.)

The fetal folds are so clearly visible on the baby, and the shape of the head suggests that it is a newborn baby, maybe a few days old. It was constantly occupied and swam between two adult females.

Such a precious young life We wish the baby a healthy life.

The orca group also had a young one with them, probably a few months old.

The juvenile spent time with the whole group while we were with them. We even saw them feeding at the end of our orca encounter—probably on herring. It was great to see them feeding. As always, great memories from the winter.

We are eager to find out what July will bring.

Enjoy the photos!

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