Still dreaming about our encounter with hundreds of Sperm Whales. As the day began, we couldn´t imagine it would be one of the best days of our lives. Feeling the wild nature surrounding us, just listening to their breaths and the clicks that resonated through the boat. Seeing the Bottlenose Dolphins interacting with these giants…It was a perfect day that will stay in our memories forever.
This amazing encounter happened south from La Paz, Baja California Sur. We couldn’t count the whales, but there were more than a 100 of them. Bottlenose dolphins were interacting with the group as well.
Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) are the largest of the toothed whales and the largest toothed predator on our planet. Finding such big aggregations is pretty rare. We saw them socializing, rubbing each other, the calves swimming next to their mothers. They rested at the surface for long periods and then breathed deeply before diving, looking for their favorite prey: squid.
They came close to our boat as we floated with the engine off, some popped their head out looking, curious about us.
They are magical creatures, we need to protect our ocean to keep them with us.
maria_salinas_adventures on Instagram
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