The Humpback mother and calf Migration is a special time of year to meet the next generation of Humpbacks as they make their first southern migration.
Today we scanned carefully in search of the recognizable surfacing of our whales when the call went out to our port side, Humpbacks had been sighted!
A beautiful mother and her calf surfaced close by and we were quickly distracted by another surfacing pod further up ahead.
The young calf was surface active with a few tail lobs and then beautiful breaching as he communicated the Language of the Whales. The second pod behind us responded as the young calf breached and the conversation went back and forth.
During the Humpback mother and calf migration we can sometimes see females interacting and allowing their calves to socialize together. Something very special to sight though is two females who have joined together and are making some of the migration south with their calves.
Today we met one of these pods as two mothers and their calves were cruising together as one and it was lovely to see they had companionship and safety in numbers. Humpback Whales are very social and now that the majority of male escorts have already made their journey down the coast, it is suitable for the females to team up for added protection of their calves on the way south.
-Whale Watch Western Australia
This post was adapted from a blog, read the original here
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