Huge Group of Sperm Whales – 11/7/24

We had heard rumors that Sperm Whales had been sighted in the bay and I hadn’t seen them in my time at Baja so I was really excited. We went out in the afternoon and we were just about to leave the harbour when I heard that the few sperm whales that we thought were there were actually 40!

So we went out and found them after 15 minutes and to see such a big group of sperm whales ha always been the biggest dream for me, all breathing together, all diving together. We had them all alone until sunset and it was the biggest gift you could wish for from the ocean. It was really special and maybe my best encounter so far they just kept cruising and diving and coming up every 15-20 minutes, the channels were between are like 400-500m deep so either they were searching or eating down there and yea it was a huge pod. In the end they were just stationary. Wonder wonderful day.


Chrisgaucho on Instagram


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