Great Day Way out West in Humpback Mania! – 22/10/15

It was a great day ton our staff trip. We went way out west woo hoo! Further than this newbie has ever gone before!

T35a and T35A2
T35A and T35A2
T38a an calf
T38A and Calf

It was fascinating to be in these large yet gentle swells, with no landmarks familiar to me and unfamiliar sea birds swirling around. It was so exciting to be somewhere with so much possibility of new experience.


We ended up being in the middle of humpback mania. There was lots of whales out there. Lots. We guessed at least 30. I’ll never forget sitting in the trough of a swell with a group of 7 or so humpback whales clustered closely together on top of the wave that was looming over us. Imagine that! Giant 35 tonne creatures on a wave ABOVE you. We were looking UP at them! Jeez! And to top it all off, these guys were vocalizing. Yup. Freaking awesome.

BCZ0131 “Gnarly”

An exceptional day with exceptionally nice folks 🙂


BAD PHOTO BUT I WAS SO EXCITED TO SEE A SPOTTY HUMPBACK!!!! Every time I go a searching for an ID in the humpback catalogue I scroll wistfully through the spotty humpbacks



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