By popular request, a fin whale story. The first time I saw both Fin Whales, Minkes and Belugas was in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. And my first whales on the East Coast.
Unfortunately belugas are not watchable there as they are in big trouble due to low numbers and pollution. So we spent time with a group of 3 fin whales and 5-6 minke whales that were travelling along together. Now we have all heard that fin whales are big. But as they crossed the bow of our zodiac, I realized that hearing about their largeness and seeing are two very different things. So I am telling you, yes fin whales are big, but I can’t describe how large. Think school bus but more so. I was thrilled to see that several minkes and both fins had very distinctive fins. They can be individually identified!
But of course they can. Unfortunately my poor french could not get across that I was curious if there were record being kept of individuals, or ID catalogues. There was nothing available on board or back on dry land. Still I must say it again. Fin whales = BIG!
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