Yesterday we had a day on land due to stormy weather.
Today, when we went out, we experienced a huge swell, but luckily many animals close by.
Huge snow clouds were sitting low, giving us a pretty dark day.
Herring tends to come closer to the surface when it is darker, so we were lucky to see orcas and humpback whales feeding side by side. The humpies were very active.

Today, we had everything a whale-watcher could wish for.
Before the feeding frenzy, a group of orcas were in an inquisitive mood, and they were spy-hopping all over the place.

You know that the orcas are comfortable with your presence when they spy hop within 2 meters of the boat for 10 minutes constantly.

The Polar Night has already started (on November 21st), which means the Sun will not rise above the horizon for two months.
During this period, the days will be darker, and we hope for more feedings during the whale-watching hours.


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