For those of you who spend time out on the water with whales and other wildlife, have you ever been out and had an exceptional few minutes and gone through your photos while on the boat and even when you get back to shore to see all the incredible moments you were able to capture, believing you saw ALL the great shots you got…. only to go through them all when you finally get them on your computer to find an incredible photo that you had absolutely no idea you captured???
Today on my afternoon tour with captain Laura Jamieson, I had such a photo… We were hanging out with T019 Mooya/Nootka and T019B “Galiano”.
They were off on their own and just zigzagging down the Strait of Georgia when all of a sudden Mooya/Nootka took off chasing a Harbour Porpoise (always an exciting event!).
Now I knew I had captured some stunning moments, including the porpoise in the air and Galiano doing 3 huge spyhops.
But there was one photo of the porpoise at the surface travelling in the opposite direction of Mooya/Nootka that I had not seen at all while perusing my photos through the back of my camera!! Never a dull moment!!!
I don’t know if they actually finished off the porpoise or not. Based on Galiano’s spyhops, I would say yes, but it was super quick and I never saw any food in their mouths after despite some good surfaces that showed their rostrums well.
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