Year in Review – 2017!
2017 has been a hard year. Globally we’ve seen an increasing number of stories detailing ship strikes, mass stranding’s, entanglements, and other unexplained cetacean deaths while locally the Southern resident orca population was missing from our waters for weeks or even months at a time and we had to say goodbye to J2, J52, and…
Year in Review – 2016!
2016 is coming to an end and it seems as though these next few weeks can’t come fast enough for many people. This year has been rife with disappointment and distress for many of us but there have been a few bright moments as well and we hope that today you’ll join us in reflection…
My First Ever Minke Whale – 5/88
The first whale I ever saw was a Minke whale-at first I thought it might be a log! There was such high waves and with such a tiny fin, it was such an unusual thing to see and to know it was a whale. It seemed so immobile (especially after seeing how Killer Whales slice…
The First Sighting of Spirit! – 4/7/13
We were out in the Goose Group doing research on Steller Sea Lions and there were definitely more Killer Whales around than normal, as the Chinook return that year was record breaking. We did ID one specific whale, A73 “Springer, ” a whale so famous for her story ( and we were able to see…
An Unexpected Interaction between Two Southern Residents – 9/05
Early in the morning off of San Juan Island, we were just drifting watching the whales. We spotted two Southern Resident Killer Whales very close to the boat amidst some bubbling, whirling water. I couldn’t figure out what was happening and thought that maybe they were fighting. All of a sudden one of them emerged…