Short-finned Pilot Whale
A Trip Offshore – 10/23
Bill McKim from Jersey Shore Whale Watchers chartered a 18-20 hour Pelagic Bird & Marine Life expedition aboard the Jersey Girl on Oct. 18-19, 2023. Our goal was explore off shore birds and Marine Life 100+ Nautical miles off the coast of Belmar, NJ. With the help from Danielle M. Brown (marine naturalist) from Gotham…
An Amazing Trip Offshore – 10/23
We departed from the dock at 12:15 AM, embarking on a journey into the deep ocean. Our first order of business was to convene for a group meeting, during which we informed everyone that we had changed our course from the Hudson Canyon. Some expressions of concern were visible on their faces until we revealed…
A Marine Life Bonanza! – 12/8/19
I went on a pelagic trip out of New Jersey with the Buffalo Ornithological Society in search of pelagic birds. However, as a cetacean lover, I knew I was going to keep an eye out for whales and dolphins too. We set out at 10pm on 8/11 to enter deep waters and started birding at…