Type C Ross Sea
The Real Tourists – 18/4/22
Happy Easter Monday! No ordinary day out in the canyon with SPECIAL visitors. These are the real tourists this Easter. and the first potential record in Western Australia. At first glance we thought ‘super pod’. The orca burst out of the water straight at our 12 o’clock heading towards us. This initial reaction felt taken…
Another Record Breaking Day! – 19/4/22
Ross Sea (type C) Killer Whales are still at the Bremer Marine Park. With the incredible Antarctic super pod of over 120 individuals sighted on yesterday’s expedition, (see our last daily blog for detailed information about these special Bremer visitors)…crew were still buzzing on this potential first ever encounter in all West Australian waters. This…
“Cracker Last Day” – 22/4/22
The final day of the season is always a day of high emotions. After two days without seeing orca it was a tense wheelhouse as we approached the canyons. The weather was perfect, the birds were there, good signs but no fins. As a skipper this is when you can feel the anticipation in the…