L Pod
L Pod From the Ferry! – 2/11/24
I saw that SRKW’s were heading North towards Edmonds so I walked onto the Edmonds Kingston ferry! We could see whales in the distance but nothing close. On the return trip we could see whales EVERYWHERE when we got East of mid channel! The ferry stopped for a very long time while L pod surrounded…
L Pod Returns to Penn Cove – 3/11/24
I was lucky to be a witness to L Pod’s historic return to Penn Cove today, 54 years post capture. As L Pod approached the entrance to the cove, I kept waiting for them to turn south and go back down Saratoga Passage. The turn never materialized, and they went in. They passed the Coupeville…
Southern Residents and a Dragonfly – 15/9/20
Well today was an interesting one… Started out feeling like deja vu with a couple things going exactly the same as yesterday… We stopped for harbour seals on a logboom being pulled by a tug just like yesterday, I spotted some Harbour Porpoise along the way, just like yesterday. Then things changed and the sense…
A Whale of a Time! – 9/02
When I first looked at the brochure for Vancouver Whale Watch, I saw people sitting in a small boat and pod of orcas swimming by extremely close. I was sure that the whales would never come that close to a boat, certainly not mine. I was so wrong. I took my first ever whale watching…