Killer Whale
- Alaskan
- Argentina
- Australian
- Bigg’s (Transient)
- Californian
- Caribbean
- Eastern Tropical Pacific Killer Whales
- Icelandic
- New Zealand
- Northern Resident
- A Clan
- G Clan
- Northwestern Atlantic and Eastern Arctic
- Norwegian
- Offshores
- Scottish West Coast
- Southern Resident
- J Pod
- K Pod
- L Pod
- Type A
- Type B Large
- Type B Small
- Type C Ross Sea
- Type D
- West Coast Community
Black and White Movie – 11/24
The weather this year seems quite unpredictable and stormy. We have had more days with bad weather than in previous years. It has rained a lot in the past couple of days, and sometimes, due to the dark clouds, it feels like we are in a black-and-white movie set. Today, we found the “humpback train”…
Sunshine – 11/11/24
Finally, the weather has improved, and after multiple stormy days today, we had a fantastic day. Calm seas and beautiful light. We encountered a group of orcas who were very relaxed. Luckily, we spent time observing their resting and socializing behavior with them. They were stationary the whole time in the same area (most likely,…
Another Feeding Encounter – 2/11/24
The past few days continue to be busy out at sea. Every day, we saw orcas, humpback whales, and fin whales. We also saw feeding activity; however, sometimes, we observed that after humpback whales lunge into the bait ball (possibly too early?), the orcas abandon the feeding. The birds are also very opportunistic and keep…
The 1st of November – 1/11/24
Our first official day of whale-watching was truly magnificent. We have seen 3 different species, orcas, humpback whales, and fin whales. We probably arrived at the end of a morning feeding because many birds were around, and the smell of herring was strong. However, the orcas were slowly leaving the area when we arrived. The…
L Pod From the Ferry! – 2/11/24
I saw that SRKW’s were heading North towards Edmonds so I walked onto the Edmonds Kingston ferry! We could see whales in the distance but nothing close. On the return trip we could see whales EVERYWHERE when we got East of mid channel! The ferry stopped for a very long time while L pod surrounded…