Bubble Net Feeding with NYC0248 – 20/10/24

Our afternoon whale-watching trip started with plans to head east in search of some of the larger whales known to frequent the area. However, just as we were setting out, a sharp-eyed crew member spotted a whale closer to shore, prompting us to shift course. It turned out to be a different whale than the one we had seen earlier in the morning but within the same general area. This initial sighting set the tone for an exciting day of whale watching.

After spending some time with this shoreward whale, we decided to continue our original plan and headed back east-southeast in search of more activity. As luck would have it, we didn’t have to wait long before spotting another whale—this one identified as NYC0248.

What made NYC0248’s behavior particularly fascinating was that he was bubble feeding. This method of feeding is incredible to watch: the whale blows a huge cloud of bubbles that frightens and traps small fish, forcing them into tighter schools. Once the fish are cornered, the whale swims straight through the bubble cloud, mouth wide open, for a feast. NYC0248 repeated this process several times, giving everyone on board plenty of opportunities to witness this rare and captivating behavior.

What made this whale even more engaging for us as spectators was the predictability of his bubble feeding. Unlike lunge feeding, where the whale surfaces unpredictably, bubble feeding gives a clear indicator of where the whale will surface next. Each time NYC0248 created a bubble cloud, we knew to keep our eyes trained on the area, making it easier to capture the action. At one point, he blew bubbles directly in front of our boat, swimming toward us with his mouth wide open, as if putting on a special show just for us.

Watching a whale come up through a cloud of bubbles with its mouth open, surfacing right before our eyes, was nothing short of awesome. The sense of awe and excitement on board was palpable as NYC0248 repeatedly demonstrated his skill, and we all marveled at the intelligence and grace of this creature.

As if that weren’t enough, the excitement continued when we spotted yet another whale—this time, NYC0209 “Chive”. She made her appearance not long after our time with NYC0248, and we spent a good portion of the trip observing her movements. While she wasn’t bubble feeding like NYC0248, her graceful surfacing and tail slapping were thrilling to witness.

The afternoon continued to unfold in a way that truly exceeded our expectations. Listening to the delighted reactions of our passengers each time a whale showed its tail, blew a bubble cloud, or surfaced near the boat was a reminder of how special these trips are. There’s something extraordinary about the shared experience of whale watching—each sighting creates a sense of collective awe that’s hard to find anywhere else.

The perfect weather added to the magic of the day. October can be unpredictable, but on this day, the skies were clear, the seas calm, and the temperatures comfortable. It truly felt like everything was coming together to provide an unforgettable experience for everyone on board. The blue sky, sparkling water, and incredible whale activity created an ideal setting for what will undoubtedly be remembered as one of our best trips of the season.

At the end of the trip, as we began our journey back to shore, there was an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and wonder among the passengers and crew alike. Days like this are a reminder of why whale watching is such a rewarding and exhilarating adventure. The combination of close-up whale sightings, fascinating behaviors like bubble feeding, and the stunning backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean make for an unforgettable day on the water.

-Jersey Shore Whale Watching

This post was adapted from a blog, read the original here.


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