Bremer Bay Pilot Whales greeted us on a picture perfect day in the Bremer Canyon as we enjoyed the company of these beautiful characters. Calm conditions escorted us all the way to the sighting grounds and we could sight the occasional Shearwater or Gannet scanning carefully through the still water for any fish just below the surface.
Our first sighting was of two Sunfish enjoying a delicious meal of Bluebottles and it was interesting to watch as these two carefully maneuvered around each other two pick out the best snacks.
A lone Fur Seal was snoozing at the surface and seemed so very relaxed as he basked in the morning sunshine, propping his snout just above water level for each of those whiskery exhales. Skipjack Tuna were leaping and because the water was so incredibly still we could actually watch them chase after the smaller baitfish who were schooling around the numerous Bluebottles for shelter in a bid to evade the extremely fast tuna.
Slinky dorsal fins broke the crystal calm conditions and we could see a family pod of 30-50 Bremer Bay Pilot Whales travelling together.
Approaching the family and observing different age groups from enormous males to tiny new calves, we were welcomed into the pod as they continued to forage.
A short time later we could observe a splash just ahead of us, it was another pod of Pilot Whales who were calling in the pod we had just been travelling with for a while.
A very special moment to observe these two separate families meet up and interact with much enthusiasm and excitement.
Spy hopping, tactile interactions and moments of hanging vertically in the water alongside each other were observed as it looked just like two human families catching up after a while apart, what had they all been up to over this time!
It was tempting to travel with them all day, but we went on with our search and came across further feeding Sunfish with the days glassy conditions mesmerizingly beautiful. A wonderful day and although Orca were not sighted, we look forward to welcoming onboard our Pod Members again soon.
Working with wildlife is always a pleasure and we ensure that on days the Orca find themselves outside our search ground we can provide the opportunity for our guests to enjoy two experiences for one at a time that is most suitable for them with our 100% lifetime sighting guarantee.
-Whale Watch Western Australia
This post was adapted from a blog, read the original here
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