A beautiful day in the Bremer Canyon as Orca worked hard for their morning breakfast and we watched as the first black dorsal fins broke the surface.

Every Orca in the family having one job to do as they scoured the canyon for their meal and it was amazing to watch their persistence and consistency.

Small jumping Bonito Tuna had the attention of the seabirds as they desperately tried to capture one but it wasn’t too long before a few small scraps appeared on the surface creating a mad scramble by the Shearwaters… the Orca had found their morning tea!

Soon after their feed we noticed the main pod separate into three and with much excitement we watched as two mothers decided to bring their young calves over????

Dancing just below the surface these young babies showed us their bellies while staying close to mum and seemed pleased to meet us.

A big male Orca stood off close by and observed before the call went out and all members of the pod including the babies joined together as one before disappearing once more into the Southern Ocean blue, it was time for afternoon tea.

Common Bottlenose Dolphins raced us back to the harbour and we said a quick hello to the Australian Sea Lions and guess who was having another feed… yep, little Sea Lion pup


-Whale Watch Western Australia

This story was adapted from a blog. Read the original story here.




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