Blue Whale in Flinders Bay – 7/6/22

Blue Whale in Flinders Bay was an incredible surprise today as amongst the active Humpback Whales the most beautiful Blue Whale appeared.

Our morning firstly began with three relaxed, happy juveniles who were cruising past the shallows and making their way towards the reef line. It was wonderful to be so close to them and hear each powerful exhale as they found little clumps of seaweed to carry with them on their journey for fun.

Many pods were on the move this morning as they began to converge all at once which kick-started the commotion as two adults launched into huge breaching just ahead. The youngsters responded by curiously moving towards the surface activity before deciding something else was of interest out to our right hand side.

Looking at a tall blow that seemed a little large for a Humpback we continued watching as the back of this whale went on and on, our hearts skipped a beat as the call went out of a Blue Whale on our starboard side! 

A beautiful adult whale that had suddenly appeared amongst all of the Humpbacks and was relaxed even amongst all of the commotion. Blue Whales are also migrating north although it is a little late in the season for them with autumn being prime time for viewing. This Blue will be aiming for the Banda Sea in the coming weeks where their breeding and nursery grounds can be found. Usually making their migration a little further off the coast a visit in Flinders Bay is extremely special and could be due to this Blue Whale following the Humpback Whales up the coast who are hugging the coastline in the bay a little more this season. How magnificent to meet a member of the largest creatures to have ever lived on our planet. The Humpbacks moved within fifty meters of the Blue Whale but quickly turned away as they seemed to realise that this enormous whale was slightly different to themselves.

The Humpback Whales then exploded into tail lobs, tail slapping and head lunging which continued for a long time as the conversation flowed amongst them all. It was a wonderful opportunity to spend some time with such active Humpback Whales today and what a privilege for all of our Pod Members onboard today to meet a Blue Whale in Flinders Bay.

-Whale Watch Western Australia

This post was adapted from a blog, read the original here.


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