Augusta Whale Tours are currently departing daily and today we had many Humpback Whales migrating through Flinders Bay and making the most of their time in the sheltered waters.
The morning was a peaceful one for the whales as they relaxed into travel mode and our first pod we met were transitioning from the east side of the bay over to the west.
Carefully making their way around the abalone farm we could see that these were two large, mature adults with both looking very healthy. One took a bit more interest in us and surfaced alongside the Whale Watch 1 with a powerful exhale which made us all jump!
It is always lovely to see the curiosity these big whales have and their need to investigate everything that is happening around them.
Our afternoon began with a relaxed pod of two Humpback Whales which seemed to be the theme for the day as they meandered towards the reef line. Cruising alongside us and seeming to be content with the day ahead of them it looked like these big adults were ready to keep that migration going as they prepared to depart Flinders Bay.
Wishing them well we moved out to a competition pod that was starting to form as the local Bottlenose Dolphins joined in on the fun. Gannets were diving around us as the baitfish bubbled to the surface and the Humpbacks kept powering along. All four were racing at one point at just over eighteen kilometres and hour as they pivoted towards us sharply before diving underneath the Whale Watch1.
It was fantastic to see these four whales showcasing the energy of the Northern migration as they took off towards the reef line and we wished them well for their journey ahead.
-Whale Watch Western Australia
This post was adapted from a blog, read the original here
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