Another Day in Paradise – 28/12/24

Today, while driving out to look for whales, we have literally bumped into a feeding.

We saw at least 5-6 eagles circling among hundreds of seagulls, and minutes later, we saw the reason: orcas were feeding.

We stayed in the same place all day, and the orcas fed all day long, sometimes with smaller pauses when they were socializing.

I have told our guests that they are the luckiest on Earth as the orcas were doing everything. What we have not seen today does not exist.

Breaching, spy hopping double, triple, and up, tail slaps, swimming upside down, babies rolling on each other, pec slaps…you name it.

It started almost in the dark, and we left when it was starting to become dark again.

At the end (quite late, actually), humpback whales woke up and rushed to the scene to finish the finale by lunging into the baitball several times.

The birds have gone crazy again.



Green Gold of Norway

All photos were taken on the 28th of December 2024 in the Skjervøy area.


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