An Incredible Day with the T065A’s! – 20/7/16

Incredible day with the T65A’s! We got to witness the hunting of harbour porpoise and some playful interactions afterwards.



T65A and her youngest 3 headed off to catch a porpoise of their own. Here is T65A Porpoising out of the water during her chase of their Harbour Porpoise.

As she reenters the water you can see a Harbour Porpoise surfacing almost exactly at her reentry point!!!
As she reenters the water you can see a Harbour Porpoise surfacing almost exactly at her reentry point!!!

T65A is not a hunter to give up! She continued to pursue the porpoise and managed to catch it not long after the hunt began! Here we have T65A launching out of the water with the Porpoise in her mouth!

The power of this incredible matriarch is clearly visible as she launches out with a Porpoise in her mouth.
The power of this incredible matriarch is clearly visible as she launches out with a Porpoise in her mouth.
T65A2 on the chase, trying to catch his own Harbour Porpoise.
T65A2 on the chase, trying to catch his own Harbour Porpoise.

T65A kept doing a funny behaviour… she kept coming up with her tail straight up first and then moved backwards through the water, over and over and over again. I had seen this before with young Orca where they get pushed by another Orca backwards through the water. At first I thought she was being pushed too, actually I just assumed it (silly thing to do), but most times I didn’t see any other animal come up after her. This time though one of her young ones was not touching her but was almost nose to nose with mom. It was a sweet moment to see.

T65A funny behaviour
T65A funny behaviour
T65A with her two youngest on either side of her.
T65A with her two youngest on either side of her.
Looks like T65A5 is a boy!! This is cropped from the previous photo.
Looks like T65A5 is a boy!! This is cropped from the previous photo.

Epic day on the water and such a fantastic way to end a 16 day work streak…. I have so many days of photos to edit and post…

Heading off into the sunset... ok not the sunset just into the distance as our last view of this awesome family.
Heading off into the sunset… ok not the sunset just into the distance as our last view of this awesome family.



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