Most days on the water are spectacular, other days are insanely EPIC. Today was most definitely the latter!
Not only did we find two families of transient mammal-hunting killer whales, including lone male T51, close to Victoria, but we also found breaching Humpbacks!

The waterfront was choppy, but the southbound killer whales seemed to enjoy it as usual. They rocketed through the water in gorgeous displays of power. The calves porpoised to keep up with their mothers, and T51 cut through the waves effortlessly. He was immense and powerful, but somehow adorable, as his rostrum broke the surface over and over again.

We left the killer whales when we saw a humpback breaching in the distance. Arriving on scene, we found two of them. In my effort to take a photo of Mt. Baker, I was photobombed by a gorgeous humpback breach.
There were no complaints on my part, of course! This particular humpback breached four times in rapid succession, before joining its companion in slow, leisurely movements. The show had ended, but the memories will never be forgotten.
What a crazy, epic, amazing day on the water!
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