Amazing Encounter with Beluga Whales! – 12/8/15

We were so so lucky to spend an evening kayaking on the Churchill river during beluga calving season this past summer. THERE WERE SO MANY BELUGAS!!! You only had to kayak about 5 minutes from shore before a curious pod of young belugas would approach. Feeling slightly guilty for being so close to the whales, my wife and I attempted to retreat and watch from a distance. This only prompted several belugas to chase us! They played with us, bumping our boats and pushing our kayaks along by trailing our wake. It was incredible. These amazing playful, curious animals were a joy!

Chantelle beluga


We were lucky enough to get some amazing video footage of the whales as well!



One response to “Amazing Encounter with Beluga Whales! – 12/8/15”

  1. Thank you for sharing your amazing experience!!! I’ve always loved all animals, but have to admit, marine animals are my favorite!!! And I have a very deep & special love & respect for orcas, belugas, & sea lions ❤️❤️❤️!!! I love hearing your adventures, seeing your beautiful pictures, & amazing videos 🥰🥰🥰

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