Bill McKim from Jersey Shore Whale Watchers chartered a 18-20 hour Pelagic Bird & Marine Life expedition aboard the Jersey Girl on Oct. 18-19, 2023.
Our goal was explore off shore birds and Marine Life 100+ Nautical miles off the coast of Belmar, NJ. With the help from Danielle M. Brown (marine naturalist) from Gotham Whales and Paul Guris (our onboard ornithologist) we were able to find and photograph over 21 species of pelagic & migrating birds, cetaceans, invertebrates, and more (see list below).
Our original travel destination was to explore the Hudson Canyon, but our guides decided to travel a little further to Tom’s Canyon with depths reaching 8000+ feet below sea level.
The weather was picture perfect allowing us to enjoy every second of the trip.
Pelagic & Marine Life Species List
* Wilson’s Storm Petrel
* Black capped Petrel
* Herring gull
* Ring billed gull
* Double Crested Cormorant
* Cory’s Shearwater
* Pilot whales
* Striped Dolphins
* Common Bottlenose Dolphins
* Cuvier’s beaked whale
* Pomarine Jaeger
* Sowerby’s beaked whale
* Great Shearwater
* Lesser Black-back gull
* Audubon Shearwater
* Winter Wren
* Offshore bottlenose dolphins
* Northern Gannet
* Black Crowned Night Heron
* Great Blue Heron
* Moon Jellyfish
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