They say that everything happens in this world for a reason. That, in one form or another, fate will always find a way.
We arrived on-scene just as the K13 matriline lined themselves up to surf the wake of a nearby cargo ship. We drifted in the water very slowly at first, gearing ourselves up for a high-speed chase to keep up with both the ship and the surfing orcas.
We barely had time to grab our cameras before both K25 “Scoter” and K27 “Deadhead” breached in unison. For a split moment in time, their large black-and-white figures hung in the air as the saltwater rushed over and off of their sleek bodies. It seemed as if the very moment their bodies hit the water, they were defying gravity again – this time alongside K34 “Cali” in a rare triple breach!
This moment was extra special for me, not only because K27 “Deadhead” happened to be the first wild killer whale I laid eyes upon (the only surviving orca from my birth year), but because I was able to spend the moment surrounded by some of my best friends.
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