We headed out into beautiful sunshine only to be enveloped by fog within probably 30mins.
Shortly after, as we searched in varying degrees of foggy thickness, we got word that a group of Orca had been found… in the thick fog.
Turned out to be a very large group of Bigg’s (Transient) Orcas. The fog just makes it a little more moody and a little bit more challenging to take photos of these incredible animals but also incredibly interesting.
I had quite a number of really amazing days out there this season and this one was right up there close to the top!
We had the T18/19’s, T34’s, T36A’s, T36B’s, T65A’s and the T99’s.
That’s a lot of marine mammal eaters all hanging out together.
We had them nice and grouped up for most of our time with them. Not a whole lot of action but in truth some of my favourite encounters are where we have a large group of whales clustered together surfacing in near perfect synchronization.
Maybe that’s not entirely accurate… My favourite way to see them… is any way they come
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